
Grandparents are special people in their grandchildren’s lives and are an inexhaustible source of love and support for the family.
With them in mind, the project Great – Grandparenting as Resource to Enhance the Educational Adult Community – was born.



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The project

It provides training courses with the aim of making older people aware and capable of their educational role. With the Great project, funded by Erasmus+, we want to enhance and promote their competences and foster their social inclusion and active ageing through engagement within their own household, but also outside it, supporting single parents and children’s homes.

The birth of a grandchild has beneficial effects on grandparents’ health and lifestyle. Interacting with children encourages a new projection into the future in the elderly, reopens the space for play and imagination.

The grandchild drives away loneliness, isolation, stimulates creativity, encourages the activation of potential and memories, makes them rediscover moments of joviality and light-heartedness.

And the elderly also represents an important resource for the young in organizational, relational, affective and creative terms.

This continuous and valuable exchange, however, lives with balances, constraints and limits that both older and younger people must overcome in order to meet each other.

The project therefore intends to enhance active ageing and support the development of educational skills in adults, involving them in innovative non-formal learning paths to stimulate their creativity, their lateral thinking, support the relationship with their grandchildren and the new generations, looking at creativity as a skill able to build and maintain an effective relationship.

The partnership

Association for Social Mobilisation ets

The Associazione per la Mobilitazione Sociale is a third sector organization dealing with health promotion and prevention of risk behavior.
It has recently developed training courses on the use of life skills dedicated to students, parents and teachers.  

Consorzio Tartaruga

The Consorzio Tartaruga is an organization established by several co-operatives to support new welfare policies close to the citizen and capable of defending and protecting the weaker population. The aim of the Consortium is to create a real social network that represents a new way of being active protagonists of social policies.

Gestión Estratégica e Innovación SL (GEINNOVA)

GEINNOVA is an adult training centre with an experienced EU project management team that develops training content, teaching and seminars, internal evaluation coordination and dissemination. It promotes and supports the empowerment and self-employment of individuals through education and training in leadership and entrepreneurship through the use of digital technologies, e-skills and professional development, increasing the quality of education and entrepreneurship of individuals with innovative approaches in educational and social areas and the gender perspective.

They are experts in the creation and development of e-learning platforms and innovative online training courses for trainers and adult professionals focusing on IT and digital skills.

Social Cooperative Enterprise Drosostalida

Drosostalida is a social enterprise that aims to provide training, support, counselling and research activities to different groups of people.

It works mainly with young people and individuals from vulnerable groups, supporting them on several levels to facilitate their integration or reintegration into society or the world of work.

Federatia Filantropia

Federatia Filantropia is a non-governmental, non-profit association that brings together 23 non-governmental organizations, active in the social field in all eight regions of Romania. All 23 organizations are active in the social sector, aiming to change something in the communities where they are active, and work together and with the agreement of the territorial archdiocese/diocese. One of the main objectives of Federatia Filantropia (FF) is the development and implementation of programs and strategies in the field of social, medical, educational and community development.

What we do

Grandchildren having fun, playing with grandparents at home

With the Great project we want to experiment training courses with the elderly to make them fully aware of and capable in their educational role, and to enhance and promote their role as caregivers within and outside the family of origin.

The project is also a great opportunity for growth for all the organizations and operators involved, helping them to make an increasingly conscious and effective contribution to the life and general well-being of the elderly people they work with.



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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Codice di progetto 2021-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000028210

© 2022 Great – Grandparenting